Swaziland Newspapers and News Sites

Whether it is Swazi news directly from the source you are looking for, or analysis and reporting about Swaziland from well-known foreign correspondents – you will find both in this collection of quality newspapers and news sites about Swaziland.
Swaziland news, features and links from independent African news agency.
News reports on Swaziland from African and international sources.
Presents country overview, key facts and events, timelines and leader profiles along with current news.
News from and about Swaziland appearing twice monthly, compiled by Southern Africa Contact (Denmark) from international and local media sources.
Daily newspaper.
Online news portal.
Newspaper from Swaziland Government.
Regular news on relief, social, economic and political affairs in Swaziland.
Background and travel information including entry and exit requirements, safety and security, crime, health and transport.